A brand new music from Taapsee Pannu’s upcoming movie Shabaash Mithu was launched on Thursday. Titled “Hindustan Meri Jaan”, the Amit Trivedi composition captures how ace cricketer Mithali Raj was decided to serve her nation by way of her sport.

The video exhibits a younger Mithali honing her expertise on the pitch, and the way she struggled to achieve the highest spot within the Indian cricket workforce.

“Hindustan Meri Jaan” is sung by Amit Trivedi and Kailash Kher with lyrics by Swanand Kirkire.

Directed by Srijit Mukherji, Shabaash Mithu relies on the lifetime of cricketer Mithali Raj, who had an illustrious profession enjoying for India. Mithali Raj had a 23-year profession in worldwide cricket and revamped 10,000 runs in ODI, breaking a number of data. She retired from the game a number of months in the past.

Talking to PTI concerning the movie, Taapsee Pannu stated, “In our country there are two religions – cricket and films. If you call yourself a cricket loving nation then you should love women’s cricket equally, you are not just men’s cricket loving nation. The cricket should matter and not the gender. Same way, the gender of the protagonist shouldn’t matter. It should be about how the film is. You do pre-booking of a movie if it is a male protagonist but wait for reviews for a female protagonist. That is where I connected to her.”

Shabaash Mithu releases in theatres on July 15.

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Shabaash Mithu music Hindustan Meri Jaan captures the spirit of serving the nation. Watch video
Source: Panapanahon News